the light shines the brightest,
it is the mightiest ,
it is the holiest,
it is the universe.
the light is a strength,
from your stars it is sent.
time and space make it bent,
but it will reach you for it was meant.
the light gives life,
it is beyond strife,
it is beyond vice,
it is the only life.
illusions make the world.
it is what makes things curled.
illusions make the earth,
we are embedded in it from birth.
the light shines the brightest,
it lights our path like the evening west.
the light shines the brightest,
deep inside our chest.
the light shines the brightest,
it is beyond rest.
the light shines the brightest,
it is our leader in the quest.
the light shines the brightest,
the light shines the brightest.