from the depth of the sea,
arises thee,the sun.The
work of a master full of glory
you wake up the sleeping
flowers.Glamour stricken rays
of beauty ,joyful colours of
life,the composite mixture
of seven hit the tanning
forests as one like all.
From all the messages
a man receives your
light triggers the blossom
of life.Ideas tangent a
brain to ponder the little
grey cells more and more
deeper.Hiding within the
clouds you send your light
out to illuminate the dark
spots in all a garden.

It takes condense masses
to stop you from visibility.
No permanent barrier can
stop you or the establishment
of your presence.In your
magnanimous rays I ride
to a battle,the war called
life.It took years of million
days for you to come to full
shine,the creator of morning
love and light.If you rise in east
then the illusion makes me wonder
your magically uncoincidental
touch with which all life peaks
out from the deep and strong
cocoon wrapped for safety.
Adventure spirits are induced
and the sword for the good
life and sound lifted from the rocks
of time.All that is common in the
world is so for you.You rise and
shine so does all.You catalyze reactions
far and wide so does The soul of
all.You are born and you are
destined to die,so shall all.You
are embedded in the bubble time,
the tool of the unknown.

Like a mountain you cross
i do the challenges of life.
You are a sage with powers
far beyond grasps,the power
to create and destroy and to
move and stop all that lives
on earth.For this a power
i feel i need i say you are
a star a thing so dead.the
shadows of me,long and short
are shown by you,a teacher.

The tide of man and ocean
are gibed by the rays and
your power.They huff and
puff under your strength
the purposed ruler of the
system of your pupils.
The valleys radiate their
life under the teachings of
you the sun,the son
of another son.Losing the
self to gel with your hues
is like things dissolving in
the ocean's water.All that
happens is under your
dutiful eyes.My ardent
self wants to follow you,
the cynical me wants me
to fight you.If a medley
of emotions are cramped
into one so small like me,
what holds you to such
serenity and peace?
You are created and destroyed
and do thus too,I to am
a creator and destroyer,
what separates us is too
minute to feel yet a large
space remains untraced
physically.You are a mystic
and a soul a part of me
which i see all the time
of life,everywhere in under
the clouds.You are SUN.
a flame too represents
you,yet not as complete as
you.four layers separate
the complete picture while
you are seven he is three.
The flame burns within you
and all creatures,all is
a quest,the yatra of life
is to search and so i do thus,
with the hands of you,
a one so far away,
my friend you the sun.