Monday, November 3, 2008

tree and weed

Blank and blurred,
boisterous brand
of incompetence
and evergreen hypocrisy.
No one dared,
for everyone,said where?-
where? do people who dare
to be different live?
-they don't,i am not a misfit.

So everyone,claimed
and sang some old name,
lest the past be buried,
then what will be there to charge guilty?
So questions were never asked,
this is never man's home
and so he was not to roam
but be bound by moribund chains-
when they fall apart,
he still will not know his part,
for gone are the strength and belief
in self,so too integrity-
in the ancient ,once flouring cities.
There in the name of few great man,
everyone was told,that only one is such
and such,for greatness is as rare as rare can be.
So dreams,where weeds,to killed,
And all that managed to live,
was burnt at the stake,
oh!for holy's sake!
And still the weeds grew,
among the poppies and roses,
the lilies and jasmines
and again and again,those dusty
hands of manual labour
crushed them and burnt,
saying ha!now that is better!

I hope the weeds find their use,
in next life,if that exists so,
where they won't be weeds,
but useful seeds,for if so a God
exists,he isn't dumb to spare
so many seeds and scatter
them just to deceive.
But whatever happens to the weeds,
one thing is for sure-
that a seed from which arise the tree
and the weed and for life to succeed
we need light and water and other
forces of nature and the will
to penetrate and absorb and utilize
all that is needed and create
a better life,not just for us
but the whole wide world.
And at that,first comes the growth,
where we drink,to fulfill our throat
and then give water,to those who are sore,
for otherwise,our motives are desperate
and life useless.
Every seed is nature
and in its right it will bloom,
yet the will and integrity
are needed to become a tree.

the light shines the brightest
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