Friday, October 3, 2008

A rime about humanity

Fire moved and the wind cooled,
hours and hours went by,
earth became barren and dry.
The last of the fight was done,
and the gestation had began.
The water perennial rose,
and life was for the those who chose.
A mist covered the world,
and hours and hours went by.
The sun turned from bright yellow,
to a shady orange and set for the last time,
on the race which existed on earth's face.
Come that night,
one last thing was left,the last fight-
between man and his right.
At last the beast faced the divine
at last it began at twilight.
the wind blew harder and the
flame grew brighter.
He lay across,facing the sky-
sky held the light,
even though the source had left.
In him he beheld,the tale of the universe,
in his ,at last breathed the spirits,
of which he knew,he was truly made up of.
As he meditated on the sky,
and the last of sun's light,
truly breathed within him, life.
He no more thought he was going to die,
death was a mere illusion,
which could now be just a preposition.
Ninety nine seconds went by,
and at the hundredth the fight at last began.
The race called humans,was at last at stake.
And from far away she watched,
and prayed that life would survive.
next to him was a sword,
which would play the quintessential part.
The first blow,was the beast's,
and it tempted to tare and drink his blood,
yet the goodness held,
and he went further into hell.
Then took the beast the past's history
and listed the sins of him and humanity.
It showed his precedessors' folly,
and it showed him that he was the product of depravity-
he was born to destroy
and die and so he should.
The sword,he felt and the blood went ahead,
but the spirit held,
and so the beasts sprang again
and it swore on his being,vehement-
but the coup failed,
and he still prevailed.
Desperate and struck,
the wounded beast,went on a savage.
And he cried out loud,
and loud and loud,
till the world held only his shout.
He twisted and turned in pain,
and the rules of the game,
were broken again.
The beast claimed hand,
and the sword rose,
but in between the fury,
somebody hurried,
and held the sword away,
just for their own sake.

Above him he saw her,
and she held his word.
She laughed and creation rang out.
There she was, he saw her,
and beyond her,rose the moon.
It was sight of divinity,
and its profundity,
pronounced tenacity and beauty.
She touched his head,
and he felt,an over whelming peace,
he felt raw and new and at ease.
The beast within struggled,
and at her sight,muffled
and huffed and puffed,
and then within a great roar,
it became all but too sore,
and left at last,leaving a soul-
pure and clean,
just and truely seen.

She took him ,to herself,
and she walked on.
The moon,laughed,
and in the mirror,
he saw his light,cooled,
calm and pure delight.
And from within him,he felt,
and within he now dwelt,
and he realized that he ,
he,that he was the only one left,
and now life was his zest.
Her courage and grace had kept life,alive
and for her sake,he lay,
now a tool of Gaia.
And she the Goddess,
in him, he felt her,
left him to recover.
And then as hours moved by,
he saw the moon set,
and night at its darkest.
Yet now glowed an angel,
which showed light,
and the stars,were in a circle,
to her eyes,they were shy.

And at last,the truth of humans,
lay stark and naked.
There had been no folly,
and the evanescence,
had been a thesis at test.
For the Truth had been thus,
within the man,in the apple he
had thus ate,at last after thousand hours,
was the truth,that he had been an expression,
a thing of sorts,which would be alive,
forever,as long as its force lived.
And the force had been her,now he knew,
and energy of creation was now renewed.
And The sun light ,skewed far off,
and the darkness bid adieu,
and the stars disappeared,
from his view.And she came towards him,
and took him to the shore,
and there it was the thing which bore
the truth.The sea was at peace,
and the sun came high,
and at the sand of the tide,
they lay and heard the sea tell,
them in a tongue which they understood,
that -

Oh!life oh! has at last has become alive,
in the illusion of sorts,
you were thus put into,
and now everything is new.
The purpose oh! purpose,
had been to see,
if humanity was worth its creed!
But!oh! but,
albeit, all that,what you felt,
in those few minutes of twilight,
was the course that life,
might have had in twelve billion twlights,
and there was nothing left,
and oh!all prospects of breathing,
for spring beings,was strained,
until,she touched and broke the curse,
whose strength would have been adverse,
to that of creation.And now!oh!now,
pick up your sword and throw into me,
blood is where it should be,within the being.
Go and build your home,
and wood shall keep you warm,
air shall cool your bond,
and fire shall burn those wan.
Earth,oh!earth,are you willing to marry,
the sky?And sky oh!Sky marry the earth,
and between you shall be life.

And so they were wed,
and the bad dream dead and buried.
And a single star shone higher,
and the new progeny of earth was
borne that night,to be born after
a few more full moon nights.
And there lay,witness to the
heavenly wedding,the creatures,
of evening.And paws bore no mud,
as the wild was at ease.
And there she turned to them
and they saw her kindness,
and hoped that what would come,
would be like her,the goddess.
In her eyes,they saw the future,
and in her,they knew there was danger,
but her comfort,was there for them
and so they would trust and let humanity
grow,for her,they would let life go on,
as she would be there,for them,
when the lusty swords of the little devils,
would tare and mar their gibing kittens.
They knew for all that was to be known,
that somewhere within them,humanity
might be worn by those which would
bleed and steal,but they knew that
her genes they would have,
and for that,until the time comes they would bare.

And as the many moons passed by,
and on a night,when the moon bright
and the stars were singing and the sky
clear and showed them the heaven rein,
there came the creature who would,
be the progeny of her,the earth
and him the sky.And in it they saw a glow,
and they knew,what they should do,
and they all celebrated with joy.
The devil try,as it might,
could find no wager,
and it looked on from the deep gray.
It knew one day,it could celebrate,
that would be the day,it told itself,
when someone from the glorious race,
would look at his face and say,
oh! my i am king of Gods,
and i need to worshipped
and enveloped in all that is alive,
anything which dares to face me,
should die.So it knew it would wait,
for its tool never had been the snake,
but would always be,human's gluttony
and hungry pride,and forever,
the evil would reside,when ,man lost
his moral and killed because he was afraid.
The devil resided in man's thoughts always,
because the sky,had seen the storm
and felt it within.And the sky,was nothing
without earth,who with her held it alright.
It was her force,which kept life alive,
and it was her passion to create.
And the sun,he knew,would keep there,
as he was the guide,the one above,
whom these things would never master.
In the sun,but he knew,was she too,
though which, he didn't know.
But in him too there was the Goddess,
otherwise he would have never been able to suppress,
the anger within.He thought of himself-

And he knew then,that he was from her too,
that he was her child,just like everything else.
He then knew,he was there for balance,
and that he was her love too and he
had to live just like the sky.
And she the earth,had her forces,
who would create,and she held him
as her third,to destroy and make bait,
of those whose fight was to die.
He knew there would be a battle,
for generations to come,
between his own sons and those
children of her and the sky,
and there would be a winner,
and that day he would return there,
to thank her for his existence,
until then he said to himself
and he left the place,in a joyous mood.

He had noticed,that someone
else had been there.the one,
whom he had fought and called
beast,whom he had thought was dead.
But the cry from the future,
made him wake up to reality,
and he kissed his baby,
and he saw her looking at him.
He wondered about life,
and thought about his past,
and from where he might have sprung.
And all he had ever known
was darkness,but he knew within
that lay something,confused he became,
but he knew,humanity,as they would be known,
would come to known,of the causes beyond,
and on the day life goes beyond,that mark,
there will be the shore,where the sea would
talk,until that day,it shall show them his face,
and at that sight,every time there race,
would move forward,and they would come to
know of life,he would be there light.
He thanked the sun,
who showed him to himself
and he kissed her good night,
as the birds sang together,
for the last time,for many many
myriad years to come.

the light shines the brightest
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