Wednesday, August 13, 2008


A force larger than life,
a force greater than man,
a force called god,
moved and moves it all.
The god,who is omnipotent,
the god who is omniscient,
yet who is unseen.
The god who rules all,
the god who is the creator,
the god who is the preserver
and the god who is the destroyer,
yet a god who doesn't have a form.
yet a god who is neither a storm nor calm;
The god is a vision,
one of compound simplicity-
that names and forms placed ubiquitously,
among the stray straight thoughts
of humanity's imagination,
has no humilation or importance.
The god is a evil-good,
the god is a menacing-angle,
the god is a shunned,
the god is the beast in everyone.
The source of an infinite qualm of energy,
one which if not for sanity,
is the highest sign of purity,
is the dead-alive being in everyone,
the unseen source of preordained commission,
the disturbance which is the ultimate sign of life.
The god of earthly strength is a mental idea,
the god of divine proportion is an universal reality,
which the earth has covered and caused humanity.
The god is a ray of light,
in the dark ocean of unknown proportions,
the god is the only thing which remains
after everything else is gone.
The god is a untouched bliss,
which induces life and kills death,
for the god is the absolute reality,
the conscious which we see,
when we loose the earthly reality.

A unified source,strings though life.
It is the idenity we call god,
it is the form with no form,
one of mere assumption,
yet whose existence isn't doubted,
even if its presence cannot be calculated.
The unhourly timeless breath,
where minutes and days are mere illusions,
where taking an incarnation is a necessity
to fulfill the absolute unknown purpose,
is the condition which we bet on,
and travel through the known fogged and bright
path,the pilgrimage,which we fulfill,
upon its end at our hands of our own,
when we return home,
to the home of constant presence,
in the center of the world,
the one soul called god.

The god is the causation,
the god is the sensation,
the god is the word,
and the god is the you,
we,me but most of all the I .
the god is the untampered,
the god is the warmth,
when in cold ,which says a life
is there even as the body freezes.
The god is an feeling,
the god is the love,
which one feels when in distress,
and has decided to die.
The god is the thing which leads,
whatever the path is-
to kill or to be killed,
for both the slayer and the slain
have a reason and that reason is god.
The god of logic ,
the god of purpose,
is the god of life.
Ignorance is the container with oil,
waiting to be lit,
once lit,the light shall disperse
the air and cause the vacuum,
in which surrender is nothing,
giving up is nothing,
for there is nothing but the I.
the god is the eye.
It is through it,
that one sees the truth,
the means to an end.
The truth too is god,
for it is the predecessor of god.
The life has one reason
and that is to fulfill.
And to fulfill,
ways are different
and paths different,
from sweet surrender
to the sweetest rebellion.
the god is of means,
for without means,
for without the tool,
there is no movement.
The hand is of god,
the body is of god,
and the soul of god.
Illusion is a cover,
like an emotion,
which helps us reach the stage,
where can be ready to throw the veil
and wake up to the reality.

The god is love,
love of everything.
The affinity to hurt,
to urge to heal,
the peace to feed,
and the rage to cheat.
The god is love,
the love of hate,
and the hate of love.
The god is of unseen need,
the god is of divine attraction,
whose purpose which we know
deep within,yet cannot blow
out to the illusive reason.
The god is of the depression,
the god is in desperation,
which chokes us when we try
to squeeze it all out.
The god is of the elation
in victory,the god is the happiness
in the heart of equality,
the god is the joy,
at the sight of beauty.

The god is the knowledge,
the god is the instinct,
the god is the blood,
the god is the cell,
which is everything.
the god is the mountains,
the god is the rivers,
the god is the seas,
the god is the ocean,
the god is the awareness,
that we are aware of nothing.
the god is the knowledge,
that we know everything
and are merely not aware of it.
The god is the knowledge
that life is an end,
the knowledge that
life is the beginning
and also the knowledge that
life is the inbetween.
the god is the knowledge
that there is another,
the god is the knowledge that
there in no another,
for everything is one.

The god is timeless,
it is timeless as it is time.
The god is in time,
as it too is bound by its
own principles.
The god is the source of all,
the god is the end of all.
The god is also the action,
the god is also the reaction,
the god is also the rest.
the god is the balance,
the god is the imbalance,
for both balance and imbalance
are on a fulcrum, which is god.
the god is in numbers,
yet it is not countable.
The god is uncountable
but countable.
the god is a paradox
and is what lies after the paradox.

The god is the light.
The god is the nothingness.
The god is everything.
The god is you.
the god is me.
the god is in atheism,
the god is in belief,
the god is all,
the god is none,
as the world,
is a dispersion of one,
from whom we all are descendants
and to that we shall go back-
Life is a rainbow,
which needs water and light-
The light is the god.
the water is the illusion
and life the light-illusion.
The god has no form,
the god is an illusion,
the god is a reality,
which is created by humanity
to feed its animosity.
the god is the love,
which destroys
for destruction is the need.
Creation and preservation are nature
and man's nature is to destroy,
so the man the god has no reason to cry
at his folly,
for his destiny is action.
What he moves,
has a reason and that is divine.
Preaching and breaking,
vice and virtue
are merely the illusions
which cause more illusions.
To rise above it all
and see your true yourself,
and lose your idenity,
and merge in the prosperity,
reach out and develop a propensity,
realize the I.
Illusion's strength lies,
in the deceived,
so open your eyes ,
see the reality.

Yet what is reality,
but an assumed state?
what is reality
but an state of mind
that life is just fine?
What is reality?
Is it knowing?
knowing what?
What is god?But a reason?
what is god?but an illusion?
What is the truth?
Where is it?
if a divine voice can lift the mist,
if an artist can paint life,
if a poet can write,
then who can show god?
If everything is god,
then why all this?
why all this?
why all this?

God is something.
God is nothing.
God is everything.
Man's work is to seek,
something,nothing and
that everything.
man's work is to break inability
by thinking,feeling and seeing
through the tool,
the tool which causes the illusion.
the thought leads to action,
which leads us to the truth,
the truth is a means to an end,
and not the end itself,
the end is God
as is the beginning
and WE,you,me and I are god,
the goal is infinite,
the paths are infinite,
the ways are infinite,
the universe is infinite,
all paths lead to infinity.

God is the night
as the day
and darkness as the light.
The god is god
and we are a part of it.
whether you worship or fight,
the god shall be your light.

the light shines the brightest