Friday, June 13, 2008



live for ever,like a eye,
live for ever,you will never die.
for that you needn't lie,
just go around and lay,
your gifts' gifts all around,
and all the good,
will come back to you.
and you shall be known,
at least your name shall be
sworn,into the books
of time,for times to come-unknown.

believe in your self,
believe in your life,
thats is all that is required,
for nothing which is desired,
shall not be got,
everything in life is bought
and has a price,
what it is,is what you decide.
Make your own rules,
but abide by,
try everything you can,
but never say no one can.

the past was engraved for today,
the future shall be engraved for future,
live life,even if you are bound,
for whatever it maybe,
redemption is caused by our own
known knowledge.
have faith,keep your good fight,
you will shine like the light.

the light shines the brightest.