Friday, May 9, 2008

someone grant me a wish

someone grant me a wish,
i want to make my life rich-
with love and friendship
and happiness without any hitch.

someone grant me a wish,
i do not want to judge,
though i am judgmental,
i want to be blind of difference
though my sight is bright.

someone grant me a wish,
i want to open my arms,
i want to give all i have,
i want throw what i can,
though i am quite a cynic.

someone grant me a wish,
i want to break a silence,
i want to stop the noise,
i want to create music,
that which will be pacific.

someone grant me a wish,
from the small world in
which i live,let me spread
that i know,which can
stitch the world together.

someone grant me a wish,
i want to do i want to do,
i know i am one of the few,
i feel something big is due,
don't stop me,if you knew
i can,you will grant me a wish,
which will heal the world,
which will say love,which
might cure strife,which
might reunite humanity
into one big life.

someone grant me a wish,
i want to make my life rich-
with love and friendship
and happiness without any hitch.