Wednesday, April 18, 2007

virtue less world.

oh!the world is virtue less,
people are getting killed.
The poor kids down the
street don't have a wish to live.
The hot sun beats on the deep
scars,in the name of good for all,
we shall perish.Money is the idol
for all,temples are for the guilt.
the fate is too hard,yet we don't
want to live,the good lord
is a mere reason for the dread.
Hunger haunts and hunts
while the rich keep eating
the money.The need to kill
is too great,there is a caste,
a creed and a separate decree.
Bloody guns are warmed
the dirge is constantly on,
peace is what we long for,
but the urge to kill is too great,
cynicism is the way for your bread,
we are a hungry breed.
the greed for money is
all we live for,the virtue of peace
is what we long for,yet
the temptation to kill
never gives us the chill.
We have a life to live,
and a false license to kill.
the blood tastes too sumptuous
and we are all merry less.
The tears are hard,
and we beat down it all.
the urge to kill is too great,
yet we long for peace,
the virtue kills too much,
for we are a virtue less race.