Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sometimes you just smile

Sometimes you just smile
And there nothing can hide .
Sometimes you just see
And the sight sets you free .
From the depth of the sky,
To the height of the seas,
The world is what it is meant to be -
From the jiggle of set chimes,
To the babbled nursery rhymes,
From the chirp of a bird,
To the early morn crimson skirt,
The world is what it is meant to be ,
Always there to set you free.

Touch of nature ,
Touch of humanity,
You do feel , that skies are roamed
And that all you see is owned,
That the breeze from the sea ,
Is meant to push you to see ,
Those trees who do sway far at peace .

In the beget of all rhapsodies,
One in the sky does merge
And within does emerge ,
A world on the verge ,
Of a smile and it does purge
As the smile sets alive.

Sometimes you just smile
And there nothing can hide .
Sometimes you just see
And the sight sets you free.

The light shines the brightest