Sunday, March 15, 2009

The puddle and the sea

At a puddle they threw a stone,
And my bearings did spill over,
At my plight they did take pride;
The stones kept coming,
But so did the showers and my belief
In life; As time swam through its
Pristine verses,I did evolve,in spite
Of those stones and with a prayer to myself,
I did evoke a sense of belonging
And evolved into a ocean.

I crushed the stones into the sand-
On them they thread ,upon their
Very words,the hypocrites
Try to act dignified even as they
Gape with awe at my size and life.
Their stones,now are no means
to hurt,they are lost in my own gait
And if any were harsh I do return them,
At their feet and they do wonder
Why they sink in so right-
Ignorant,they fail to realize,
That in the mirror they do see
Themselves and not another,
They worship their gullible darkness,
But nor can that eat an infinite begin
For though I have shores,
I move upon a strong ground,
Intricate-we are one and the same,
The world is a passage and the sea,
Me, an observer,a prophet
I do try to warn,thee humans,
But you still are blind
And throw waste with tremendous haste,
And avoid my message with false chaste.

While it does worry me,
And tears do fill me,
My God does allow me,
To watch the world and all the while love
Myself and the ulterior Goddess;
The stars do twinkle,
I know what they are,
They maybe far,
But within we do know,
That we are moving with a flow,
Ultimately we would meet,
If today at creativity's peak,
Tomorrow at life's peace.
Dare listen to us,
You might then seek life,
Otherwise oh! human,
You are no more seen.
Animals are born to survive
And man is born to live,
So seek the truth,
Truth is not an end
but a means to an end,
Listen oh! listen,
Or you will become
Humanity's stone,
Unknown and long forgone.

Listen oh! listen,
And think oh! think!
I am the sea,
Dare to see and hear me,
You will know you are free!
Once they did throw a stone,
I did crush it and now spread
It ashore see and learn,
Yearn and listen!

The light shines the brightest!