Monday, October 27, 2008


Courage it is and courage it shall be,
and to conquer all that is to be.
The world is waiting to be roamed
and life at every step is formed
and the roots grow,
and boulders are broken through
or passed over and their existence's
value is left to be pondered.
A maverick's heart,it takes,
to fight the world and the fakes.
Creation is the will,
and hypocrisy its contradiction.
And that shall come to an end,
when we have the courage,
to accept that we are free
to do as we please,as long as
we follow the light
and question every step
and understand what is right.
A thousand dreams,the birds
have wings and beak,
we have the mind and hands,
to bake mud into bricks
and understand the illusion and tricks.
And courage,it takes,
to go against those think otherwise,
for sometimes the strength of vice
is such that,in you it lies.
And so we have the candle,
the light exists everywhere
all we need to do is,
light it upon the flame
and after that it won't be the same
and there is no shame
and glow everything will in your name.
Courage,it takes
and courage it will be,
to know what is really free.

the light shines the brightest