nothing to defend
and nothing to fend,
this is the freedom when it all began.
Nothing to worry,
no need to hurry,
life is fast but no fury.
With paint all around me,
my eyes show the illusive reality .
When the wind blows,
i close my eyes,not to defend the sand,
but just to be for a moment ,disarmed.
When the sun boils on me,
i sweat and try to breath,
not to defend the cause,
but to know how heat feels.
A seed i am and the tree the world
i came from.I see my potency
is just too great for the world to beat.
I rebelled and that i need not defend,
for the world can see,that i am free.
I tore the chains which crept
up my sleeve,i broke the thought,
that i was filled with misery.
I am not a dead stone on a desert,
but an alive one,throw into the sea.
No force can ever hurt me,
unless i see,that hurt i need be.
Humanity,i belong to,and humanity
belongs to me.I control the world,
as much as the world controls me.
Nothing is greater than life,
and contradictions cease to live,
for they try to defend and ultimately
bend and bend and break,
till nothing remains but that it was namesake.
Nothing to defend,
for defense is for the defeated,
and defeated none shall be.
What can you defend,when everything has a reason?
What can you protect,when there are no lies?
the treasure you are is now safe,
for it is now the true base.
The restoration of belief within ,
to its place,where it should be for us,to begin,
the chain of change,
which would force and heal all the damage.
Peace within and more peace within,
change is induced and not pushed,
and freedom is gained and felt,
not given and dealt.
Oh! nothing to defend,
for there is nothing which would bend,
scattered life air,it is,
but there is no fear-of empty,
as all will be filled with prosperity.
The world is true
and the illusion burnt away like dew,
nothing remains,except that of beauty
and that requires no defense,
for beauty is alacrity.
The joy of knowing,
the joy of being.
The joy of the open,
the joy of peace,
prayer,life is,for the within!
Nothing to defend,
nothing to break,
the world is in unity,
and the sounds of prosperity,
breath free!Slavery,
is not imposed,for
there is nothing to defend,
for this is the freedom when it all began!