If night weren't night,what will it be?
if day wasn't day what will it be?
If hours weren't hours,what will they be?
if minutes weren't minutes what will they be?
If you weren't you ,what will you be?
if they weren't they what will they be?
If i wasn't me,what will i be?
If earth,wasn't earth what will it be?
If life wasn't life what will it be?
If death wasn't death what will it be?
If everything is nothing,what will it be?
So what if,everything wasn't meant to be?
So what if everything is 'cause of destiny?
So what if we hate everyone?
So what if we love everyone?
So what if ,so what if,
you find everything gone one fine day?
so what if,so what if,
you find yourself on the top,one fine day?
So what if...
so what if...
So what if...
well everything is...