This is my 200th poem.
A million things to say,
each for a far of ray.
A million wants to be fulfilled,
each for every second lived.
A million ideas are born,
yet before we can act most are gone.
More than a million years,the earth has lived,
yet for it to be what it is ,many have been killed.
More than a million lives has been given,
to let humanity,its hold strengthen.
It was a long time back that everything began,
it will be only for a while more that man,
can rule on that which is not his.
We say it is our destiny,but what we miss,
is that we are the makers of it.
What is truly fit,
is that which is nature,
which by time is still in nurture.
What will be the future?
what will help us to travel further?
unity,might be an answer,
but who will be the leader?
We are nature,
we are nature,
and together we are the savior
and the harbinger.
So let us put or millions together,
it might make us better,
so whatever you are,a banker,
a engineer or a baker,
just put something in,
doing good is no sin,
just listen,
is the only thing which can happen.
or well soon everything will be Nothin'.
So do yourself some good,
well whether we like or not we all should,
for it is not for you,not for me,
it is for the future,whom in your dreams you see.