So we are alive,are we?
Then we all should live.
So we all exist.
We all just need to survive.
We all just need to thrive,
to help cover our insecure selves.
So every one has there own problems,
everyone has them,just that it is different.
So we all think of dieing,
because that is what we all are ultimately
going to do-die.
For death is a part of life.
So everyone who is alive has a life,
yet all of us were once dead-
unborn in the mind of the universe.
So all of us will be dead-
a dead thought buried in the universe,
far forgotten but suddenly remembered.
So we all need to do something,
for we all feel ,we feel,
that when we die,more than our ashes,
our deeds and doings should have
spread far and wide.
So we all don't hide.
So we all did once hide,
but we don't.Yet the past remains,
if not dead ,dormant because
once the world is spoken,
whether revered or blasphemously ,
it remains recorded vividly.
So we all do,do something.
And that we say is our worth.
We either preach virtue,
or we all say, let do.
So we all think we are right-
barking dogs seldom bite.
So we all can think!
And so we think,think about
everything,for we all
think we can think out anything.
And so we sit and wonder-
who cares what is right?
So we all think we are right.
And so we all think others are wrong.
We all care for we want to prove,
to ourselves that we were worth
and not just a penny in a ocean,
that we are not charity.
So we are all humans!
And we can do a lot,yet
we all talk,talk and talk.
All our actions are grave,
for everything leads to our
grave.Life is made,for
we have a purpose,
disastrous or lustrous,
we make or brake
for destiny's sake.
And so we are all humans,
we think,think and ponder,
we all sit and wonder,
yet time is quicker and better.
So,go and put a thought but also
act,for time will not wait,
we have to run faster than it.
So keep living.
So keep trying.
So keep smiling.
So keep life.
So keep remembering.
So,so you are alive.
the light shines the brightest