Friday, June 20, 2008

love and superstition

It was a superstition,
it is a superstition,
it will be a superstition,
that we humans will
be destroyed by something.
Yet that something is none,
but us,the conceit "unnatural"
race,the narcissistic imprudent
beings who have ruled
earth.It will be our own
hand,will lead to our destruction.
Our love is too great for ourselves,
that is why,we will destroy what we love.
Until we can understand our own needs,
until we realize a few crucial things,
what we love might never live on.

I love whole of humanity,
yet there are a few special.
To them i am scared to talk,
as i fear i will destroy.
Yet what can i do,but love?
for my love is just too great.
Tears cannot solve everything,
nor the gut alone.Life's love
is something needs a few moments
to be captured,i just wish those
whom i love stick on.If someone is
left for me in the end,then my life's
mission is done,for finding true love,
is finding a true guide.Whom you need
to trust,life your own life.

If i need some love ,i have but no one.
I need to give love,then there are many.
love needs to be spread,
through the winds,
across the waters,
and like fire,
through all of earth and ether.
On the shore of life,
I wish to unify my light,
with one single person.
Who it is i do not know,
till then life will blow,
from the sword of my destiny,
created by own will.

Experience is a tutor.

the light shines the brightest