Wednesday, April 9, 2008

wishes,dreams and fulfillment

a thousand wishes
under the moon.
a million wishes
under the sun.
time lost on,
dreaming about

a thousand wishes
to be fulfilled
before the night ends-
no time to waste,
the rat race
has beckoned.

every inch of space
has to be fought for-
every advancement
in another step
towards fulfillment.

wishes are never fulfilled
satisfaction is never reached.
the boundaries need to be breached
and the laws impeached.

a thousand wishes,
a million wishes,
keep on wishing.

satisfaction is never reached,
yearning to be become complete.

unlimited wishes to be fulfilled.

work towards achieving
the wishes you keep dreaming.

seek to fulfill,
every day,
every second.

move on in life,
see beyond what you see,
your wishes beckon.

deep inside,
we need something,
dare to see
and be.

what you wish
you dream,
be serene,
be insane,
go after your dream.

life is in time.
time is spent
in wishing,
and fulfilling.

a thousand wishes
under the moon.
a million wishes
under the sun.
be brave,be insane,
chase your wishes,
life will be fulfilled.